I was not lucky enough to live with or have a grandmother who lived close by. However I had many aunts from my mother side and whenever I went to my mother’s village and stay there overnight, they will gather and tell stories. The fact that I have been away from that environment for over 45 years has made a big dent in my memory of the time, but I remember one short story very well. As I recall it my eldest aunt will tell us:

Ahmad Duranai 021


Once upon a time, there was a great king in a faraway place. He had a large court and many people stayed and worked there. One night the king had a dream and he did not know what it meant. He was very disturbed by the dream. The next morning when he opened his court to receive his subjects and visitors... He asked his aides to bring one of his dream interpreters.... so that he can interpret his dream.
The courtiers, seeing how serious the King looked, hurriedly escorted a person in long robe and a white beard. He stood in front of the king and bowed to offer his respects and said, “ I am here at your service your Majesty.”
The king said, “ last night I had a dream that all my teeth fell down and I lost them. Tell me what does this dream mean? I want to know right away. After the dream I woke up and could not sleep the whole night.”
The man in long robe and white beard bowed again, hesitated for a short while and then said, “ Your majesty.. what can I say....this is a... a.... very sad dream... you will lose all your friends and you will be left alone without friend in your old age. ... it really is a sad dream and.....”
Before he could finish his sentence, the king got furious and with a loud and scary voice told his lieutenants to punish this man by throwing him in the dungeon. Then he ordered another interpreter be brought to him.
The second interpreter came to the court of the king and he already had heard about the fate of the first one. He came and bowed and said, “ I am here at your service your Majesty.”
The king said, “ last night I had a dream that all my teeth fell down and I lost them. Tell me what does this dream mean? I want to know right away. After the dream I woke up and could not sleep the whole night.”
The interpreter who, like the first interpreter was also wearing a long robe and white beard bowed again, hesitated for a short while, remembered the fate of the first one and then said, “ Your majesty.. You are a very luck and blessed King and your subjects are also very lucky. You will have a very long life... much longer than all your friends.... for they will all die but you will be still alive and rule over your subjects who will be happy to have you as their king.”
The King was very pleased and rewarded him with a sack of gold coins and elevated him to a higher position in his court.

And then the aunt will tell us that one can say the same facts in many different ways. Some ways will take to the dungeons and others will elevate you to the position of respect and riches....
I had completely forgotten about this childhood tale until just a few years ago when I started a new program of personal development to improve my communication skills. This story suddenly refreshed itself in my memory and now I am sharing with you the reader.